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Would you like to feel better?
Do you have unresolved pain?
When we have pain, we wish it would go away. It's not a comfortable state to be in!
Sometimes pain lingers and becomes chronic despite our efforts
and the typical routes we take to resolve it.
What choices do you have now?
I saw this so often over the 25 years I worked in the medical field as an Ultrasound Technologist. People would get tests done in search of the cause of pain.
We're taught that when nothing shows up it's good,
but where does that leave you?
My name is Janine. I work with you to create more ease, more calm and less pain.
This includes emotional pain, physical pain, and other dysfunctional states that
can manifest as dis-ease in the body.
I can assist you with techniques to overcome stress
and empower you to become more resilient in life.
Next Level Natural Living
Discovering the truth of your wholeness
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